I’m Beth

Infant and Child Sleep Consultant

Personalised sleep plans and support

Waking up through the night?

Sleep is important for little ones and essential to their growth, a good nights rest is as good for them as it is for you.

Waking too early?

Often once your little one has woken up getting them to bed again can be tricky

Helping You Find Rest

My Story

I was once a sleep deprived mom. It all started with my first-born Joshua, who did not sleep well from birth. When Oliver was born two years later, I was praying for a good sleeper… but I made the same mistakes as I did with Josh. Oliver would wake up many times a night and I would rock him back to sleep, sometimes for hours. I lived on auto pilot for years. I did not look forward to night-time. I ended up lying awake in his room most nights feeling exhausted, frustrated and beaten after failing to rock him back to sleep. A good friend of mine gifted me with a sleep consultant package. It took about a week before Oliver started sleeping through and has been sleeping so well ever since. I had my life back and our family is so much happier. I only wish that I had gotten help sooner!

Helping child to sleep through the night

Sleep regressions

Transitioning your baby from family bed to cot

Waking too early

Helping your baby learn to settle on their own


Fed and held to sleep associations

Nap refusals


Through my experience, I developed a passion to help other families get the much-needed sleep they need. I decided to train with Baby Sleep Consultant based in New Zealand which has equipped me with the tools I need to do so.
My passion is to help tired moms know that there is help out there and they don’t need to just “deal with it” with the hope that one day their child will just start to sleep better. I want to be able to help babies develop lifelong healthy sleep habits.

My business name was inspired by my youngest, Oliver. The ‘Night Night’ comes from Oliver’s bedtime routine where I read his Night Night book before saying “Night night!”. I’m sure this was the reason that his first words were…. “Night night!”


As much as we are always learning, babies have a bit more to learn and figure out as they have just started out on this grand adventure. Some of what they need to learn is what is good for them and how to do it, sleep is good for them and helps them grow and develop but they need to be shown the patterns and how then best times to do it.


“I want to thank Beth for all the great advise she has given with regards to my little boy’s sleeping pattern. She gave great advice on setting routines and creating a suitable environment to enhance his sleeping pattern. Thanks Beth for your professionalism and expert advice! “

Carina Potgieter

“Beth has changed our lives! Our boy had terrible sleep associations and would wake up 4 or 5 times a night. Thanks to Beth – we now have a much happier boy who is in a set routine and has learnt to self settle! We cant thank you enough for all your help! 💜💖”


“Beth I have no words to thank you enough for your help. my 2 year old was waking between 6 to 12 times during the night and was still breastfed (despite my efforts to wean him). Your valuable suggestions and advice along the way has completely transformed our lives. my little boy now sleeps through the night and I no longer breastfeed. the best part is my son now wakes up happy and no longer exhausted. Beth you have been so patient and calm throughout this process that I never felt alone or too overwhelmed. thank you so much for the incredible support and helping me in transforming our lives. its been wonderful for our family to all finally get good sleep, couldn’t have done this without you….thank you.”


“Beth from Night Nigh Sleep Solutions is absolutely amazing at what she does! Our little boy got in to the routine so quickly and is now ‘sleeping like a baby’. Thank you Beth for your genuine care and interest in helping our little boy learn to self sooth. So grateful to have been given this gift of leaning how to teach my child to sleep independently.”


“My little boy turns 4 in a month’s time… I hadn’t slept properly for almost 4 years (and neither had he). Poor sleep is debilitating.

Bed times were a struggle, unpredictable wake ups meant I was anxious all evening, waiting for that first cry… so I couldn’t even “enjoy” a bit of down time once he was asleep.

I worked with Beth long distance, over email, calls and WhatsApps. Her methods were gentle and logical. Her support was UNBELIEVABLE and her understanding and insight into motherhood and the love one has for your children made me feel incredibly trusting of her advice.

My boy went from waking up about 4 times a night (still on his baby bottles, wanting milk or tea at wake ups), wanting me to lie in bed with him and sing him to sleep; to telling me “ok mom you can go next door now” at bedtime, falling asleep alone at bedtime and sleeping through the night, with just a water bottle (a spiderman one) next to his bed.

To say I did not think this was achievable is an understatement!

The process was tough. But SO WORTH IT. And the pride he has when he wakes up and he gets praised for being such a big boy is so heartwarming.

I could not have done this without Beth.

She is awesome at her job.


“Thanks to Beth – our nights are now a breeze! Through her professional advice and gentle approaches she has taught our baby girl to self sooth and re-settle all on her own! Her support over the past 2 weeks has been incredible. Beth couldn’t come with a higher recommendation!”


“Beth saved our sleep in our whole household! Our then 8 months was waking 2-3 times per night, not in a daytime routine, not knowing how to self settle, needed to be fed to sleep, and not wanting to sleep in his own room after outgrowing his bassinet in our room. I was massively sleep deprived, not functioning well and about to go back to work from Mat leave. We needed help. Beth was very thorough in working out what we needed, listened to our needs and wrote a plan that worked for us. Yes it was difficult in the first few weeks, though once our son started to learn what to do we all started to get some sleep!
I always thought sleep training was making kids ‘cry it out’ alone in their bed, feeling lonely and unsupported. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Beth taught us to stay in the room, support our child through the learning, and now we can say goodnight to him, put him in his bed and walk out with him happy in his cot. Now he sleeps all night!! He also has a great day time routine and eats well. This is life changing for all of us!!
She also gave us tips and support with helping our 3yo to stay in his bed, as he was also coming in to us 2-3 times per night.
We are in Melbourne Australia, and with Beth in South Africa, we spoke and messaged every day through Facebook messenger. She was and still continues to be very supportive, caring and genuinely interested in how our family is getting on. It wasn’t just the 2 weeks support, it’s now been 4 months after the official training and she still asks how we are going.
If you need help in any way with your kid/s, I highly recommend Beth. We will be forever grateful we decided to ‘give it a go’.


For more testimonials and success stories please contact me and I will happily share them with you.

Let me be a helping hand in teaching your little one healthy sleep habits

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Contact me today!

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  • Package 1 6 Months to 3 Years
  • Package 2 3 years to 5 years
  • Package 3 Email Consultation
  • Package 4 Tune Up / Add on
  • Package 5 Twin Package
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